Why Writing Works

Disciplinary Approaches to Composing Texts

Research in Marketing

by Dr. Denise Gochenour

People in the marketing field publish in the following mediums:

  • Print – The oldest form of traditional marketing is print media. When marketers talk about print marketing they are often referring to advertising space in newsletters, magazines, newspapers and other printed materials for distribution.  ( Educational options in the creative field of marketing.  Retrieved from ). Pulizzi (2012) posits that he has heard from marketers and publishers that print is dead.  Though he disagrees with this notion, there might be a valid argument since the current generation is increasingly sourcing their information digitally through social media, blogging and web articles. But there is still a market for print media although Newsweek magazine will stop their print publication, along with several traditional newspapers and magazine publication.   According to Pulizzi (2012), customers want to know what questions to ask and he feels print is the best medium for thinking outside the box and thinking critically. He suggests that print publication is also used for customer retention and sixty-four percent of business-to-businesses (B2B) retain customers and fulfil loyalty goals through the creation of original content.  Customers need to be nurtured after the purchase decision, says Carlos Hidalgo, CEO of Annuitas Group.

(Joe Pulizzi (2012). 7 Reasons to consider print for Your ‘Non-Traditional’ Content Strategy.  Retrieved from )

  • Digital publications can take many forms ranging from content marketing including infographics; vertical graphics that include graphs, charts, statistics and other information, books, online magazines with digital interactions webpages and podcasts.  We talk a lot about content marketing because it forms the basis of digital communication.  According to the Content Marketing Institute, “content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience – and, ultimately to drive customer action.”  There are also online trade publications, magazines, marketing information websites.

Scholarly publications

Scholarly publications are primarily for academics: 

    • Journal of Marketing bridges the gap between theory and application.

    • Journal of Marketing Research publishes philosophy and theories to methods and techniques.  This journal is normally written for technically oriented research analysts, educators and statistics.

    • Journal of International Marketing publishes the latest in global marketing issues for international marketing and business scholars and senior and amid-level practitioners. This journal also includes scholarly and managerial relevant articles on international marketing and timely insights from executives on new trends and tactics.

    • Journal of Public Policy & Marketing publishes and identifies the relationship between public interest and marketing including forum for research, discussion of marketing subjects related to business and government, nutrition and health, ethics and social responsibility, antitrust privacy, copyright, trademarks, policy implications form the Federal Trade Commission and the Food and Drug Administration

    • e-Newsletters publish topical marketing content tailored to general marketing news and insights, career advice, global thought leadership and information on the growing field of marketing research, Big Data and analytics.

    • Marketing News is a monthly magazine that reviews issues driving marketing, including best practices, branding, globalization, innovation and strategy.  

    • Marketing Insights is a bimonthly magazine with actionable insights to better understand customers, competitors and the marketplace.   It provides content focusing on business insights and analytics activities covering traditional research theories, techniques and tools. Shows how information is gathered and used to increase profitability. how

    • Marketing Health Services – quarterly magazine aimed at senior-level health care markets and managers.

Retrieved from

Trade publications

Trade journals are used by practitioners in the field.  These magazines are published with the target audience in mind, so the subject matter is focused in those areas. For example, Advertising Age is focused on advertising, branding, media and people in marketing. Below is a brief list:

    • Adweek – reports about ad agencies and accounts
    • AdCritic – written for television, interactive and print advertising critique.  Resources include white papers
    • BrandPackaging – focused on the marketing impact of packaging, targeted at consumer packaged goods manufacturers and suppliers
    • Brand Week – focused on consumer marketing with reporting on different segments (entertainment, financial services, food and beverages)
    • eMarketer
    • Media – examines media
    • Media Life – written for media planners and buyers
    • CRM Magazine – articles on sales and marketing automation, call centers, channel management and marketing analytics
    • Inside Direct Mail – publication for the direct mail industry with coverage of resources campaigns, what is or isn’t working
    • Multichannel merchant – covers interactive marketing, print, promotion targeted at multichannel retailers (ecommerce, catalog, storefront)

Retrieved from

White papers

White papers are essays that specify a particular product’s advantages, in the hopes that a company will sell that product.  This document could also be used when arguing for a specific solution to a problem. It delineates and defends which solution would be the best option for a particular issue.

Open Internet resources

Because marketing is an applied field, marketers share information online, especially with their customers.  If students are citing someone’s opinion about a particular product then they can use blogs and other online sources such as websites, as long as the information is credible.  Students can use marketing websites, company websites, .edu, .org and so on.  Some of the companies that students are asked to research are public companies and the information would be easily accessible online.  They must however engage in critical thinking so if they are researching problems that may arise with a company, naturally the company website will be biased and things that they say about themselves are biased. They are also encouraged to use the library database for additional company information not easily accessible online.


Marketing: Disciplinary Perspective

Writing in Marketing

Reading in Marketing

Documentation in Marketing