Reading Resources
Becoming a better writer first means becoming a better reader. These resources can help build reading skills.
Video: Efficient Reading Strategies (4:18)
- Research involves a lot of reading—but there are different types of reading strategies required throughout the research process. This video gives an overview of basic reading strategies that you should put into practice this week!
- This video is from Australia. Ignore the part about the course being in Moodle.
- Watch & take bullet-point notes.
- When finished, write one paragraph explaining the key reading strategies explained in the video. You may do this in groups if you feel you will understand the content better that way.
Video: How to Read a Journal Article (10:36)
- Watch & take bullet-point notes. Discuss and/or write a one-paragraph reflection/reaction, using your notes.
- Take screen shots at 2:15 and 3:15: keep these screen shots on your computer for future reference!
Graphic Organizers
Making sense of readings and lectures
- Double Entry Journal
- Vocab at a Glance
- Key Concept - Because
- Comparison or Contrast
- Connecting the Dots
- 3 Column Think Tank
- Category Catalogue
- Spider Concept Map
- How-To
- Reading Log
- Skimming a Textbook
- Fact Pyramid
- Timeline
- Main Events/Big Ideas
- Concept 5W
- Map/Web Module
- Questions/Answers and Response
- Research and Response Record