Why Writing Works

Disciplinary Approaches to Composing Texts

Reading in Agricultural Education

by Dr. Kristin Kovar

In Agricultural Education, students will need to be proficient in reading lesson plans, as well as practical articles or blogs. Students will be able to develop proficiency through increased exposure and practice.

For reading in the Ag Ed discipline, students should look for resources that are practical and useful as a future teacher. It is important to read for the content that they will teach as well as their foundational career as an educator. These are two very different things which creates an interesting dynamic.

Reading habits

A habit that I want all of my students to hone is to always ask how what they are reading can be used in their future. Therefore, what can they take from that information and use and incorporate into their teaching?  If we are discussing and reading about a classroom management technique, I want them to get into the habit of visualizing their future classroom and how they plan to have classroom management and discipline as a teacher. 

Scholarly work in Agriculture is very technical. When reading it, students should parcel out the information, focusing on the methods and results/findings. Within Agriculture Education, students should look at scholarly research in a way that allows them to learn from the findings. Can the implications or conclusions of the research be implemented in their future classroom? 


Agricultural Education: Disciplinary Perspective

Writing in Agricultural Education

Research in Agricultural Education

Documentation in Agricultural Education